Application Fee: $25.00
Security Deposit: $300.00
Applications are accepted by order of arrival
(Las Solicitudes se aceptan por orden de llegada)
Quiet Environment
(Muy Tranquilo)
Friendly Staff
(Personal Amigable)
Remodeled Units
(Unidades Remodeladas)
Tile Floor
(Piso de Ceramica)
Wood Cabinets
(Gabinetes de Madera)
Walk-In Closets
(Closets estan amplios)
Close to Schools, Parks & Shopping Centers
(Cerca de Esculeas, Parques, y Centros Comerciales)
On-Site Laundry
Valid Identification
(Identificacion Valida)
Social Security
(Numero Social o ITIN)
4 Recent Check Stubs
(4 Talones de Cheque)
No Criminal History
(Sin Historial Criminal)
No Eviction/Broken Leases within the last 2 years
(Sin Desalojos/Contrato de arrendamiento roto en los ultimos 2 años)
Property Pays Water & Trash.
Tenant Pays Electricity
(La Propiedad Paga Agua Y Basura)
(El Inquilino Paga Electricidad)
Rates to be determined
Rates to be determined
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Mon | 09:00 am – 06:00 pm | |
Tue | 09:00 am – 06:00 pm | |
Wed | 09:00 am – 06:00 pm | |
Thu | 09:00 am – 06:00 pm | |
Fri | 09:00 am – 06:00 pm | |
Sat | Closed | |
Sun | Closed |
Open Select Saturday from 9:00am - 2:00pm for rent purposes.
NOTE: The above criteria is subject to change without notice. If policy changes have been made, we will post them as soon as possible but all changes will be applicable to all applicants and/or tenants regardless of whether they have been posted here. What is posted here is not the full and final agreement; additional terms will apply. Any and all marketing material, including, but not limited to, photos, square footage, condition, contents, appliances, etc., may not be accurate or up to date and it shall be the obligation of the prospective tenant to verify the specifics of any property they wish to rent before signing the Rental Agreement.
NOTA: Los criterios anteriores están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. Si se han realizado cambios en la política, los publicaremos lo antes posible, pero todos los cambios serán aplicables a todos los solicitantes y / o inquilinos, independientemente de si se han publicado aquí. Lo que se publica aquí no es el acuerdo completo y final; Se aplicarán términos adicionales. Cualquier material de marketing, incluidas, entre otras, fotos, pies cuadrados, condición, contenido, electrodomésticos, etc., puede no ser exacto o estar actualizado y será obligación del posible inquilino verificar los detalles de cualquier propiedad que deseen alquilar antes de firmar el Contrato de alquiler.